Business Analytics Copilot with Enterprise Privacy

We empower non-technical business users to independently perform their daily ad hoc reporting and data visualization dashboarding while connecting multiple data platform simultaneously from Chatterlytic app
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Visualize data without any technical barriers.
Train your Copilot with custom business reports for personalized experience.
Get secure analytics with a desktop app.
Share reports and make quick decisions.
No data migration or pipeline costs for unified access.
Save on resources with AI powered Copilot


Dynamic Dashboards

Create, save, and organize your favorite charts into the Dashboards that provide a comprehensive view of your business KPIs metrics.

Easy Sharing and Collaboration

Seamlessly collaborate and share your insights, dashboard with your peers and teams

Business KPI Suggestions

Get AI suggested sample visualizations tailored to your data. These smart suggestions help you uncover insights quickly, providing a starting point for deeper exploration and customization to effortlessly discover trends and patterns.

Multi Database Connectivity

Access your distributed business data from your desktop with one-click switching and schema updates to adapt quickly to evolving business needs.

Enterprise Privacy and Security

With Enterprise privacy you can operates within your on-prem or cloud environment without compromising your data privacy and security.

Interactive Chat Features

With conversational AI capability ask your questions to unlock custom insights, queries and visualizations on the fly

Database Plugin Support

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Let's Get This Demo Started

But first, we need some info. Share a few details in the form below so that we can better help you and your company.

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    Meet The Team

    We are a small group of inventors, hackers and designers from the different parts of the world on a mission

    Zeshan Ather


    Mahad Majeed

    Project Lead/Machine Learning Engineer

    Muhammad Raees

    Team Lead/Machine Learning Engineer

    Talha Yunus

    Machine Learning Engineer/App Developer